


Emmer Edette is the young daughter of the Hero and an NPC shopkeeper. She inherited her father’s ability to use Save Stops and go back in time. As a result, she’s developed an optimistic, fearless disposition that she brings with her on her adventure.

Tippleton “Tipple” is a huggable, foul-tempered pink dragon toy. He was the Hero’s beloved childhood toy and sidekick. He was joyful and sweet as a new toy but has become grumpy in his old age—moving from stuffed animal tea parties to drinking at taverns.

Recruit a rogues gallery...

Monstrous feline with a catlike impulse to knock over and break things
Eager for revenge on the Hero for the injury he suffered during their fight

Ex-bride of the toad prince and former evil ruler of the kingdom of Mirell
Longing to royally punish the Hero who toppled her throne and locked her away in the castle dungeon

Fallen celebrity turned ravenous sentient blackhole...until the Hero inspired him to change his ways
Doing his best to not let his hunger creep back in (and hide his obvious crush on the Hero from the other bosses)
...and even more to meet!

What is Saveseeker about?
Saveseeker is a story-driven and turn-based RPG that follows Emmer Edette, a time-traveling girl who must save the world from her father.
When is the release date?
We are on track for a release in 2025. An exact date will be announced closer to release time!
How can I play?
Saveseeker will be available to play on Steam for PC/Mac. Stay tuned for a console update.
How long will the demo be?
The demo will include the first chapter of the six chapters available in the full game.
Can I work for Paper Sword Games?
We aren't hiring at the moment, but will post any vacancies on the studio's social media.